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About Dev

Hello! I am Dev Lewis!

A technologist and Sinologist living in China.


My interests lie at the intersection of technology, politics, and policy, especially in Asia, which tends to be in the forefront today. I am a Fellow with Digital Asia Hub, a Yenching Scholar at Peking University, and a Young China Watchers editorial team member. My work revolves around building cross-national exchange in people and ideas through community building and research, which I do through research and writing, podcasting, lectures, creating workshops and conferences, and translating. 


An undergraduate in International Relations from Roger Williams University, US, I also studied Chinese at East China Normal University and Zhengzhou University, after which I was a digital media coordinator  at Gateway House, Mumbai and then a marketing manager at Infosys China, in Shanghai.


我是北京大学燕京学堂学者以及香港Digital Asia Hub在职研究员。我的研究关注于科技应用发展、商务、决策等各领域的交汇,尤其关注于中国和印度市场的方向。我的目标是通过研究和中印社群组建提高中国和印度跨国间的交流和相互认识。我的主要工作包括:研究、讲座、组织论坛、会议以及翻译文件等。


我在孟买长大,就读于美国Roger Williams University国际关系与经济。我对中国和中文有着很浓郁的兴趣。2012年我开始了踏上中国的旅途-先是以交换生的身份交换于上海华东师范大学,后续获得孔子学院奖学金就读于郑州大学读汉语专业。我曾就职于印度孟买的智库Gateway House 开办新媒体部门、开创相关国际关系领域的话题,也是IT公司Infosys中国的市场经理及研究者。


Get in Touch

Write in and say hey to or if you live in China and are wondering what is this prehistoric thing you can find me on Wechat @daiyisi18 


Follow me on social media for my latest work and an inconsistent stream of commentary.

  • Twitter - White Circle
  • LinkedIn - White Circle


您可以发邮件 devlewis @protonmail.com或者加微信daiyisi18。您也可以关注我的推特, 微博 戴逸司,或linkedin


Hello! I am Dev Lewis!

A technologist and Sinologist living in China.


My interests lie at the intersection of technology, politics, and policy, especially in Asia, which tends to be in the forefront today. I am a Fellow with Digital Asia Hub, a Yenching Scholar at Peking University, and a Young China Watchers editorial team member. My work revolves around building cross-national exchange in people and ideas through community building and research, which I do through research and writing, podcasting, lectures, creating workshops and conferences, and translating. 


An undergraduate in International Relations from Roger Williams University, US, I also studied Chinese at East China Normal University and Zhengzhou University, after which I was a digital media coordinator  at Gateway House, Mumbai and then a marketing manager at Infosys China, in Shanghai.


我是北京大学燕京学堂学者以及香港Digital Asia Hub在职研究员。我的研究关注于科技应用发展、商务、决策等各领域的交汇,尤其关注于中国和印度市场的方向。我的目标是通过研究和中印社群组建提高中国和印度跨国间的交流和相互认识。我的主要工作包括:研究、讲座、组织论坛、会议以及翻译文件等。


我在孟买长大,就读于美国Roger Williams University国际关系与经济。我对中国和中文有着很浓郁的兴趣。2012年我开始了踏上中国的旅途-先是以交换生的身份交换于上海华东师范大学,后续获得孔子学院奖学金就读于郑州大学读汉语专业。我曾就职于印度孟买的智库Gateway House 开办新媒体部门、开创相关国际关系领域的话题,也是IT公司Infosys中国的市场经理及研究者。


Get in Touch

Write in and say hey to or if you live in China and are wondering what is this prehistoric thing you can find me on Wechat @daiyisi18 


Follow me on social media for my latest work and an inconsistent stream of commentary.

  • Twitter - White Circle
  • LinkedIn - White Circle


您可以发邮件 devlewis @protonmail.com或者加微信daiyisi18。您也可以关注我的推特, 微博 戴逸司,或linkedin


Hello! I am Dev Lewis!

A technologist and Sinologist living in China.


My interests lie at the intersection of technology, politics, and policy, especially in Asia, which tends to be in the forefront today. I am a Fellow with Digital Asia Hub, a Yenching Scholar at Peking University, and a Young China Watchers editorial team member. My work revolves around building cross-national exchange in people and ideas through community building and research, which I do through research and writing, podcasting, lectures, creating workshops and conferences, and translating. 


An undergraduate in International Relations from Roger Williams University, US, I also studied Chinese at East China Normal University and Zhengzhou University, after which I was a digital media coordinator  at Gateway House, Mumbai and then a marketing manager at Infosys China, in Shanghai.


我是北京大学燕京学堂学者以及香港Digital Asia Hub在职研究员。我的研究关注于科技应用发展、商务、决策等各领域的交汇,尤其关注于中国和印度市场的方向。我的目标是通过研究和中印社群组建提高中国和印度跨国间的交流和相互认识。我的主要工作包括:研究、讲座、组织论坛、会议以及翻译文件等。


我在孟买长大,就读于美国Roger Williams University国际关系与经济。我对中国和中文有着很浓郁的兴趣。2012年我开始了踏上中国的旅途-先是以交换生的身份交换于上海华东师范大学,后续获得孔子学院奖学金就读于郑州大学读汉语专业。我曾就职于印度孟买的智库Gateway House 开办新媒体部门、开创相关国际关系领域的话题,也是IT公司Infosys中国的市场经理及研究者。


Get in Touch

Write in and say hey to or if you live in China and are wondering what is this prehistoric thing you can find me on Wechat @daiyisi18 


Follow me on social media for my latest work and an inconsistent stream of commentary.

  • Twitter - White Circle
  • LinkedIn - White Circle


您可以发邮件 devlewis @protonmail.com或者加微信daiyisi18。您也可以关注我的推特, 微博 戴逸司,或linkedin


Hello! I am Dev Lewis!

A technologist and Sinologist living in China.


My interests lie at the intersection of technology, politics, and policy, especially in Asia, which tends to be in the forefront today. I am a Fellow with Digital Asia Hub, a Yenching Scholar at Peking University, and a Young China Watchers editorial team member. My work revolves around building cross-national exchange in people and ideas through community building and research, which I do through research and writing, podcasting, lectures, creating workshops and conferences, and translating. 


An undergraduate in International Relations from Roger Williams University, US, I also studied Chinese at East China Normal University and Zhengzhou University, after which I was a digital media coordinator  at Gateway House, Mumbai and then a marketing manager at Infosys China, in Shanghai.


我是北京大学燕京学堂学者以及香港Digital Asia Hub在职研究员。我的研究关注于科技应用发展、商务、决策等各领域的交汇,尤其关注于中国和印度市场的方向。我的目标是通过研究和中印社群组建提高中国和印度跨国间的交流和相互认识。我的主要工作包括:研究、讲座、组织论坛、会议以及翻译文件等。


我在孟买长大,就读于美国Roger Williams University国际关系与经济。我对中国和中文有着很浓郁的兴趣。2012年我开始了踏上中国的旅途-先是以交换生的身份交换于上海华东师范大学,后续获得孔子学院奖学金就读于郑州大学读汉语专业。我曾就职于印度孟买的智库Gateway House 开办新媒体部门、开创相关国际关系领域的话题,也是IT公司Infosys中国的市场经理及研究者。


Get in Touch

Write in and say hey to or if you live in China and are wondering what is this prehistoric thing you can find me on Wechat @daiyisi18 


Follow me on social media for my latest work and an inconsistent stream of commentary.

  • Twitter - White Circle
  • LinkedIn - White Circle


您可以发邮件 devlewis @protonmail.com或者加微信daiyisi18。您也可以关注我的推特, 微博 戴逸司,或linkedin


我是北京大学燕京学堂学者以及香港Digital Asia Hub在职研究员。我的研究关注于科技应用发展、商务、决策等各领域的交汇,尤其关注于中国和印度市场的方向。我的目标是通过研究和中印社群组建提高中国和印度跨国间的交流和相互认识。我的主要工作包括:研究、讲座、组织论坛、会议以及翻译文件等。


我在孟买长大,就读于美国Roger Williams University国际关系与经济。我对中国和中文有着很浓郁的兴趣。2012年我开始了踏上中国的旅途-先是以交换生的身份交换于上海华东师范大学,后续获得孔子学院奖学金就读于郑州大学读汉语专业。我曾就职于印度孟买的智库Gateway House 开办新媒体部门、开创相关国际关系领域的话题,也是IT公司Infosys中国的市场经理及研究者。

Hello! I am Dev Lewis!


My interests lie at the intersection of technology, politics, and policy in Asia. I am a Fellow and Program Lead at Digital Asia Hub, a Global Governance Futures 2035 Fellow, and a Young China Watchers editorial team member. 


My work revolves around building cross-national exchange in people and ideas, which I do through research and writing, lectures, creating workshops and conferences, and translating. My work has been featured on Sup China, Harvard Berkman Klein Centre, Nesta, Sixthtone, Quartz, and Konrad Adaneur Stiftung. I also write a newsletter ChinaIndia Networked.


An undergraduate in International Relations from Roger Williams University, US, I graduated with a Masters in China Studies from the Yenching Academy at Peking University. I have experience working with think tanks, investment firms, and tech companies in India and China.


我是北京大学燕京学堂学者以及香港Digital Asia Hub在职研究员。我的研究关注于科技应用发展、商务、决策等各领域的交汇,尤其关注于中国和印度市场的方向。我的目标是通过研究和中印社群组建提高中国和印度跨国间的交流和相互认识。我的主要工作包括:研究、讲座、组织论坛、会议以及翻译文件等。


我在孟买长大,就读于美国Roger Williams University国际关系与经济。我对中国和中文有着很浓郁的兴趣。2012年我开始了踏上中国的旅途-先是以交换生的身份交换于上海华东师范大学,后续获得孔子学院奖学金就读于郑州大学读汉语专业。我曾就职于印度孟买的智库Gateway House 开办新媒体部门、开创相关国际关系领域的话题,也是IT公司Infosys中国的市场经理及研究者。


AI powered state - nesta.png
May 2020

Get in Touch

Write in and say hey to or if you live in China and are wondering what is this prehistoric thing you can find me on Wechat @daiyisi18 


Follow me on social media for my latest work and an inconsistent stream of commentary.

  • Twitter - White Circle
  • LinkedIn - White Circle


您可以发邮件 devlewis@protonmail.com或者加微信daiyisi18。您也可以关注我的推特, 微博 戴逸司,或linkedin

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